
Kristina Gauer
 / MFA Illustration Practice ‘21
Women of Circumstance
Colored Pencil

These are the faces of women from the 20th century whose life and death have pulled me to investigate their influence and legacy further. These women experienced adversities like mental or physical illness, persecution and misogyny. One can’t help but wonder if these individuals had been born in a more modern time, would maybe their fates have been kinder. Although each woman’s story is unique, they all can be seen as victims of circumstance, undeservedly caught up in the issues of their time.

The depiction of these women is an act of remembrance. The way they lived and died owes their memory a moment of respect and reflection. 


From left to right, top row: Rosalind Franklin, Zelda Fitzgerald, Diane Arbus

Middle row: Anne Frank, Camille Claudel, Sylvia Plath

Bottom row: Gerda Taro, Rosemary Kennedy, Dian Fossey